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Our Current Top 4 Applications for Digital Communication!

Current events show how important digital networking is for the preservation of business processes. The consistent use of digital communication technologies creates efficient processes in every company and enables modern working.

Today, more than ever before, it is not only about special products, such as the very up to date topic of video conferencing, but also about holistic processes and use cases for the newly required forms of work – for maximum presence, impressive effectiveness, minimum travel and very good cost-effectiveness.

So far so good – but often there is a lack of knowledge about the areas of a company where potential exists or how existing solutions can be combined with new ones. Without completely renewing the AV/lT landscape. The human factor as a user. With different access requirements and expectations must also be taken into account.

  • Mobile Sales and Project Teams – Innovative and Always Up-to-Date
  • Networked Locations – the Digital Notice Board
  • Hot Spot Production – the Digital Shopfloor Screen
  • Meeting 2020 – the New Use Cases

The focus of smartPerform is currently on all solutions that help companies and users to optimize communication processes and increase the efficiency of distributed work groups. We would like to present our top 4 applications to you in more detail.

Mobile sales and Project Teams – lnnovative and Always up-to-Date 

How do you present your new products today in a simple and innovative way in video conferences or in personal meetings? How do you organize the availability of up to content especially for home office employees or mobile workers? How much effort does each employee invest to create their own presentations in different qualities every day, year after year, which are already available in a similar form in the company?

Experts estimate that every year over 10 billion presentations are created on our planet over 80% of which are supposed to be too boring or soporific or do not meet the quality requirements of management.

lt is proven that innovative forms of presentation increase attention! But how can this be achieved? Very simple – create short presentations only, and avoid long linear presentations. Give room for thematic jumps and show content such as films, Websites etc. also directly. Combine this and other content in an intuitive user application to create an exciting and sustainable presentaticn interface.

Combined with the use of collaboration tools, you can, impressively increase the presence image and efficiency of your field staff.

  • lnnovative forms of presentation and collaboration in one intuitive application
  • Synchronization of your brand and product statements with one click
  • Centralized and decentralized maintenance

You think this is complicated? Not at all! Thanks to the smartPerform modular system, customized user interfaces can be configured once in a very short time and kept up to date thanks to a sophisticated content maintenance process·

Example Digital Sales


Networked Locations – the Digital Notice Board ​

Are employees up to date and know the companys goals? Do you see outdated paper notices in information areas everywhere? Can you imagine how much effort is spent on the creation and updating of analogue media in a company?

  • Efficient information transfer  – self determined and automated
  • Update your messages with one click
  • For visitor and employee communication and ad hoc meetings

Today digital, networked screen solutions enable far more than the efficient communication of your image product and brand messages.
They welcome visitors, inform them about daily news on Services, Operating data, weather, menu or events. Used in working or recreational areas you can create additional hot spots for spontaneous meetings or creative workshops as required

Example Digital Notice Board


Hot Spot Production – the Digital Shopfloor screen

Deadline and cost pressure as well as high quality requirements play an important role in the everyday life of all manufacturers coordination. With colleagues from the shift or from planning and administration, departments is necessary with proximity to production.

Shopfloor screens connect production with employees from other locations and the home office, provide up-to-date key figures or fulfil the function of a digital notice board for employee communication.

As an extension of our solution “DigitaI Notice Board” smartPerform offers customized solutions also for production.

  • Ad hoc meetings planning and shift meetings
  • Infotainment with an overview of numbers, data, facts
  • Employee communication for administration, works council and canteen

Example Shopfloor


Meeting 2020 – the New use cases

Video conferencing systems are currently in high demand in all age groups, both privately and professionally. But these tools are not only valuable for companies in times of crisis they drive productivity and efficiency and reduce travel costs.
Available for many years, these systems have ocw been widely adopted but power users have long been aware of their limitations the possibilities for collaboration also have their limits
The demands of simple, digital communication are much more demanding today due to new forms of work and economic starting points:

  • Collaborative forms of work vs. frontal presentation
  • Meeting participants move in space and are mobile
  • Different user requirements and technology standards
  • Measures for AV-quality in the room – integration of media and room technology
  • Budget all at once or networking existing with new technologies

These requirements must be solved. You have the choice, You can align your entire company to one large provider and live with what you get today or tomorrow or you can keep the free choice of manufacturer and standards and combine your favorite or existing partial solutions with a manufacturer independent, higher level “meeting operating system” from smartPerform and start immediately into your digital future.

“Meeting operating system“ powered by smartPerform means

  • Simple user application for presentation, collaboration and management
  • Free choice of hardware, application software and lT infrastructure
  • Any video conferences, eg. Teams, Skype, Zoom, StarLeaf & co
  • Added value, eg. joint editing of documents even without cloud

Example Collaboration App


smartPerform Pro – The Software Platform for Your Digital Communication

Use the time now and increase your potential by expanding your digital communication. ln free webinars you will meet our experts for an initial exchange of opinions. Together with you and our network of partners for planning and integration we will implement the perfect solution for your digital communication tasks as well

Please contact us: sales@smartPerform.de