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Meiningen Museums

Experiencing History in the Digital Age

The special exhibition “Between Meiningen and Europe” takes young and old on a journey through time and tells the story of the Meiningen Court Theatre and its pioneering guest performance tours, which began 150 years ago. With the help of smartPerform, history is not only presented here, but also brought to life in a playful and interactive way.

Neubau am Firmensitz Göppingen der Schuler AG

Interactive and up-close Experience

One of the highlights of the exhibition is the 360° animation of the original costumes of the Meininger Hoftheater, which can be explored via a touchscreen table with the help of smartPerform. A fascinating opportunity to discover the cultural past in a modern and immersive way.

Im Eingangsbereich lädt eine Sitzecke zum Verweilen ein. Ein beeindruckender Großbildschirm in Form einer interaktiven Multi-Touch Powerwall inszeniert dort die Marke Schuler und deren Produkte.

150 Years in just a few Clicks

Using the touchscreen table with wall projection, history fans not only have the opportunity to view the original costumes of the Meiningen Court Theater in 3D, but can also explore the travel map from 150 years ago as well as captivating stage sets.

Schuler AG präsentiert auf einer Multi-Touch Powerwall Benutzeroberflächen für Show-, Informations- und Verkaufsbereiche.

Interactive Technologies for a Captivating Knowledge Journey

Interactive technologies such as touchscreen tables offer visitors a unique and immersive experience. They not only facilitate the transfer of knowledge, but also allow visitors to experience the history and exhibits in an engaging way. The flexible adaptation of content allows museums to easily update exhibitions and respond to new themes. This contemporary approach creates an engaging atmosphere that immerses visitors in the fascinating world of knowledge in an innovative way.

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Beratung von smartPerform für Sie


Our team will advise you on the use and possibilities, determine your budget requirements or coordinate the next steps with you on your way to your smartPerform application.

This is how you can reach us:
Sales: +49 (0) 7127 20973-00

Testversion von smartPerform Software

Demo Version

Design and content management with the smartPerform "Designer Edition Advanced".

Start with a sample application suitable for your solution or area of application. The complete application with neutral media content can be individually adapted and expanded and serves as a presentation and template. Request demo version View sample applications

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Our personal training courses provide know-how on the creation and handling of smartPerform user interfaces and their functions.

Webinars provide initial insights into the basics and applications of our smartPerform products.

With the online trainer, you can reach your learning goal quickly - regardless of time, location and device. The learning platform contains all the tools you need for efficient self-study.

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Logo files, product and application flyers, quick start guides and our digital manual - you can find them all here.