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Tourist-Info Scharbeutz

Modern travel planning - from touch tables to outdoor stele

Following the successful opening of the tourist-info office in Pelzerhaken, the Scharbeutz tourist-infor office is now also opening its doors to guests in the south of the Bay of Lübeck and providing information about all facets of the picturesque coastal town. smartPerform offers the opportunity to bundle the variety of information and present it clearly.

Neubau am Firmensitz Göppingen der Schuler AG

Interactive variety of information

The touchscreen table offers an interactive experience with an overview of weather, accommodation, experiences and mobility, including hiking and cycling trails and public transport. The integrated social media wall shows real posts, an image video provides inspiration and an interactive map offers orientation. In addition, visitors can print out bus route maps directly from the touch table.

The content is often sourced from websites, which makes it easier to maintain as it is already available and only needs to be integrated. Other media, such as brochures, picture galleries and event information, can be easily updated independently via synchronized folders.

Im Eingangsbereich lädt eine Sitzecke zum Verweilen ein. Ein beeindruckender Großbildschirm in Form einer interaktiven Multi-Touch Powerwall inszeniert dort die Marke Schuler und deren Produkte.

Information and entertainment combined: the interactive desk

In addition to the tried and tested functions of the touchscreen table, the interactive desk in the Scharbeutz Tourist Info Center offers a further facet of versatility. Here, not only adults but also children have the opportunity to playfully occupy themselves. With functions such as puzzles, memory games and the option to print out templates for coloring pictures directly, the desk creates an entertaining and educational environment for young visitors. This expansion makes the Interactive Desk a place that meets the needs of the whole family and provides an informative and entertaining stay in Scharbeutz.

Schuler AG präsentiert auf einer Multi-Touch Powerwall Benutzeroberflächen für Show-, Informations- und Verkaufsbereiche.

Digital signage and automatic playback

The shop window displays offer a dynamic way to present information and offers effectively. With smartPerform, playlists with content from synchronized folders are played automatically. This allows events, current information and offers to be displayed prominently at all times. The individual displays can be used flexibly and can show different content at the same time in order to present the diversity and attractiveness of the region in the best possible way.

Schuler AG präsentiert auf einer Multi-Touch Powerwall Benutzeroberflächen für Show-, Informations- und Verkaufsbereiche.

Diversity of information, even outdoors

The passive outdoor stele is a versatile signage tool for outdoor use. With its clear design and robust construction, it offers an effective way of communicating information. The smartPerform surface is divided into three areas: The top section features an information area, which can be optionally equipped with a ticker to display the latest news or notices. The two lower areas are equipped with synchronized folders that make it possible to present different content efficiently and update it regularly. This passive outdoor stele is therefore a reliable and flexible solution for displaying information in public spaces.

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Testversion von smartPerform Software

Demo Version

Design and content management with the smartPerform "Designer Edition Advanced".

Start with a sample application suitable for your solution or area of application. The complete application with neutral media content can be individually adapted and expanded and serves as a presentation and template. Request demo version View sample applications

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