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DRIVE. Volkswagen Group Forum

More than 4,500 square meters of fascination

In the DRIVE, the Volkswagen Group Forum at Friedrichstraße 84 / corner Unter den Linden, VW brings mobility to life. Here, VW presents the diversity of the Volkswagen Group and its twelve brands. In DRIVE, you can experience how the Group brands deal with issues relating to the environment, sustainability, innovations, alternative drive systems, technology and design.

Interactive smartPerform Pro application interfaces support the consulting process from the visitor tour to the handover to an expert consultant in the consulting lounge.

smartPerform Pro

Interactive smartPerform Pro application interfaces support the consulting process from the visitor tour to the handover to an expert consultant in the consulting lounge.

A smartPerform Pro user application tailored to the consulting process was set up on 8 mobile touch tablets for presentation support during the tour, and 2 stationary touch display stations for the consulting lounges. By using them, the customer advisors support the brand experience of the Group Forum visitors during the tour.

Touch-Tablets and touch-displays

A smartPerform Pro user application tailored to the consulting process was set up on eight mobile touch tablets for presentation support during the tour, and two stationary touch display stations for the consulting lounges. By using them, the customer advisors support the brand experience of the Group Forum visitors during the tour.

Die smartPerform Pro Anwendung bündelt dabei Inhalte aller 12 Marken und ermöglicht den Zugang zu Informationen wie Fahrzeugdaten, Google Maps, ÖPV oder ruft die jeweilige Fahrzeugkonfigurationsseite auf. Beim Kundenrundgang werden dabei Besucherinteressen und relevante Inhalte gesammelt und für ein weiterführendes Gespräch vorgemerkt.

smartPerform Pro application

The smartPerform Pro application bundles the content of all twelve brands and provides access to information such as vehicle data, Google Maps, public transport or calls up the respective vehicle configuration page. During the customer tour, visitor interests and relevant content are collected and reserved for further discussion.

Further consultations take place in two "consultant lounges". There, the same smartPerform application is available to the consultant. Any collected data from the visitor tour is then transferred from the mobile tablet to the touch display in the lounge where it can be discussed in detail. Meeting and drawing functions are available as well as the possibility to print out the result of the meeting including all documents or to send it by e-mail.

Media technology in the consultant lounges

Further consultations take place in two “consultant lounges”. There, the same smartPerform application is available to the consultant. Any collected data from the visitor tour is then transferred from the mobile tablet to the touch display in the lounge where it can be discussed in detail. Meeting and drawing functions are available as well as the possibility to print out the result of the meeting including all documents or to send it by e-mail.

smartPerform enables intuitive operation for all user groups. The graphic applications combine the most diverse information services and media formats in an intuitive user interface. The Customer Journey is perfectly accompanied from the mobile tour to the consultant lounge and supports a sustainable consulting process. The implementation of the applications and mapping of the processes and functions was done with the configuration platform smartPerform Pro, a standard software from Immersion7 GmbH. The content maintenance process is carried out by DRIVE employees via synchronized folders. This means that changes and adjustments can be carried out quickly and efficiently even at a later date.

Intuitive user interface

smartPerform enables intuitive operation for all user groups. The graphic applications combine the most diverse information services and media formats in an intuitive user interface. The Customer Journey is perfectly accompanied from the mobile tour to the consultant lounge and supports a sustainable consulting process. The implementation of the applications and mapping of the processes and functions was done with the configuration platform smartPerform Pro, a standard software from Immersion7 GmbH. The content maintenance process is carried out by DRIVE employees via synchronized folders. This means that changes and adjustments can be carried out quickly and efficiently even at a later date.

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Our team will advise you on the use and possibilities, determine your budget requirements or coordinate the next steps with you on your way to your smartPerform application.

This is how you can reach us:
Sales: +49 (0) 7127 20973-00

Testversion von smartPerform Software

Demo Version

Design and content management with the smartPerform "Designer Edition Advanced".

Start with a sample application suitable for your solution or area of application. The complete application with neutral media content can be individually adapted and expanded and serves as a presentation and template. Request demo version View sample applications

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Our personal training courses provide know-how on the creation and handling of smartPerform user interfaces and their functions.

Webinars provide initial insights into the basics and applications of our smartPerform products.

With the online trainer, you can reach your learning goal quickly - regardless of time, location and device. The learning platform contains all the tools you need for efficient self-study.

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Logo files, product and application flyers, quick start guides and our digital manual - you can find them all here.